Redwood City Man Sentenced to 90 Years-to-Life for Decade-Long Child Molestation

Last Friday, a San Mateo County courtroom rendered a judgment in a harrowing case of prolonged child molestation that has left an indelible mark on the community.

Fernando Torresprado, a 32-year-old Redwood City resident, was sentenced to a staggering 90 years to life in prison for his crimes against a young victim over seven years, an ordeal that began when the child was only 6 years old.

As reported by the San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office, the conviction on August 2, 2023, included 14 counts of felony child molestation.

Columbus man sentenced to life in prison for child molestation crimes

The dominoes began to fall when the victim, at the age of 12, confided in her mother that she could no longer endure the ongoing abuse. This disclosure set in motion a series of events that would eventually lead to Torresprado’s conviction, with the mother not only confronting him but also reporting his domestic violence offenses to the police. In a trial that took place nearly a year ago, a jury found Torresprado guilty on multiple counts, including felony sexual assault, oral copulation, and continuous child molestation. A misdemeanor domestic violence charge was dismissed after the jury could not reach a unanimous decision, as detailed by the San Francisco Chronicle.

San Mateo Judge Jeffrey Jackson pronounced the lengthy sentence, firmly denying Torresprado the possibility of probation. Emphasizing the gravity of the offenses, Jackson declared Torresprado was to serve 96 years to life, adjusting for just over a year’s worth of credit for time already served behind bars. The sentence effectively means that Torresprado could spend the remainder of his life in prison.